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The SQUEAKS Platform leverages our commitment to the team member and the information he/she needs to be successful.  Like you, we believe every day people show up to work wanting to do a good job.  It’s our passion to provide information technology solutions to help them do so – to get more done with less – to cover more ground – to be successful.

That said, every hour of every day, unexpected events happen that negatively affect production – affect team member’s ability to do their job.  These events include a machine dropping out of automatic, a line supervisor identifies a safety concern, and/or a key performance metric drops below target, to cite a few.


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When “events” happen, SQUEAKS answers the question “now what?”.  
SQUEAKS Optimizes Plant Operations & Employee Productivity

Shortening Response Times and Helping Employees Succeed


Today's Work Environment

Alarms/events are displayed

on HMI Systems.

For various reasons, these alarms
can go unnoticed for a 

Two-way radios are used for

person-to-person, voice

communication - no trail.

If required, equipment

documentation and

engineering drawings take

time to locate as they are
visible on radios.


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Today’s communication systems rely on HMI systems and Andon stack lights – that communicate limited amounts of information in proximity of the HMI or stack light – SQUEAKS communicates rich, multi-media information on mobile devices wherever you are.


SQUEAKS sets out to complement today’s communication/messaging technologies that primarily rely on 2-way radio “voice communication” that are broadcast in an open-loop, noisy manner.  SQUEAKS leverages modern communication devices in a more directed, quieter, and closed loop manner


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With SQUEAKS, alerts are pushed/directed to the right people – wherever they are – on modern communication devices.

Employees can add photos, videos, and comments to enhance conversation.

Workflows provide step-by-step guidance and

support documentation – including rich, multi-media files.

Escalation rules create a greater sense of urgency if

problems aren’t resolved in a timely manner or higher-level expertise is needed.

Bring others into the conversation with hashtags (#)

and @-mentions.

A digital trail/history of every action taken is captured for reporting purposes and continuous improvement discussions.


Voice.                          Voice + Photos, Videos, Files,Data, Images…

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SQUEAKS Escalating Alerts ensures nothing important is going to slip through the cracks – giving you the peace of mind that everything will be covered exactly as planned after a concerning event – and backs it up with a digital trail of every action taken from “got it” to “complete”.


SQUEAKS integrates seamlessly with One-Source™.  Any source of information in One-Source can be incorporated into a Squeak to enhance conversation and help team members succeed.  This could include KPI/Dashboard/Metrics and/or Documents/Videos that help troubleshoot problems quickly.


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Machines now Chat!  Running as an app within Microsoft Teams, SQUEAKS escalates critical alerts from people, machines, HMI systems, PLCs, Maintenance Systems, etc. into Teams – advancing collaboration amongst all team members on whatever app they prefer to use.


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Ready To Improve Productivity & Increase Profitability?


We’re ready to assist.
Feel free to contact us by phone, email or via our social-media channels.

Contact Us Today.

8016 Vine Crest Avenue    Louisville, KY 40222
Office: 502.423.0999
Toll Free (USA/Canada): 1.800.407.0458
International: 1.813.882.5809

© 2024 IGear, LLC 

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